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Gelatin is obtained by the thermal denaturation of collagen, which is the structural mainstay and most protein in the animal bone and cartilage.

- Gelation starts when a hot gelatine solution is cooled to temperatures below 30-35℃, at which temperatures viscosity starts to increase. The gelly strength when the gelatin solution of the consistency which is fixed inflicting a pressure with the well defined conditions, say a force. And also this time, the fire room price which indicates the strength of gelatin (Bloom value) uses.
- The gelatin which we supplies uses like this adhesive force and is an industrial gelatin which is used industry.

- Abrasives(Buffing), Adhesive of furnitures and books, Film, Feeling grater of photograph, etc.
Jelly strength Bloom ≥ 80
Viscosity mPa.s 18 ~ 25
PH   6.5 ~ 7.5
Moisture % ≤ 13
Ash % ≤ 2.5
Insoluble content % ≤ 0.5

Hando trading corp. 130, Yeomjeon-ro, Nam-gu, Incheon, Republic of Korea
permit number : 121-81-80538 TEL : 032-777-4646 FAX : 032-777-4663
E-MAIL : danielkim2965@gmail.com
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